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Offer N°
Herbs, spices & condiments
Other herbs, spices & condiments
Description : i\'m looking for aromatic herbs and also camomile and other plants
Fruit & vegetables
Dried vegetables
Description : i\'m interested in dehidrated carrot, peas, redbeat, leak and others
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : i\'m interested in dried strawberry, apple, pear and other dried fruits
Fruit & vegetables
Dehydrated fruit or vegetables
Description : i\'m interested in dehidrated carrot, peas, redbeat, leak and others
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : I\'m looking for corn, wheat, triticale, oat and others to be used in animal food.
Animal food
Other animal food
Description : I\'m looking for soya meal, rapeseed meal and sunflower meal to use as raw material in animal food
Animal food
Fodder for breeding
Description : I\'m looking for soya meal, rapeseed meal and sunflower meal to use as raw material in animal food
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : SAUCO
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh fruit
Description : todo tipo de frutas: tomate, pepino, lechuga
Description : Je cherche du coton en sergé croisé et du lin venant du plus proche possible de chez moi (ile de la Réunion),afin de garder une logique écologique
Fruit & vegetables
Exotic fruit and vegetables
Description : Je cherche des fruits et légumes sur l\'ile de la Réunion
Cereals & derived products
Rice, buck wheat, oats, rye, various
Description : Je cherche des grains de riz, avoine, sarrasin, épeautre,millet ... venant du plus proche possible de chez moi (ile de la Réunion),afin de garder une logique écologique
Cereals & derived products
Oilseeds (rape, sunflower, soy, sesame, peas, bean
Description : Je cherche des graines de tournesol, sésame, arachide,noix de cajou, courge, amande ... venant du plus proche possible de chez moi (ile de la Réunion),afin de garder une logique écologique
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Je cherche des grains de blé, orge, sarrasin, épeautre,millet ... venant du plus proche possible de chez moi (ile de la Réunion),afin de garder une logique écologique
Fish & seafood
Other fish & seafood
Description : eau de mer, boue de mer morte etc
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